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Articles the House - Het huis


  • Poster 'Au Borinage' - Karin Borghouts


    Au Borinage

    Artikel door Patrick Auwelaert in The Art Coach online - 3 juli 2024 LM Magazine Art&Culture Hauts-de-France / Belgique, juin…

  • Passage Hennel, series Paris Impasse  © Karin Borghouts


    Paris Impasse

    The photobook PARIS IMPASSE book depicts about 200 cul-de-sacs from the 1st to the 20th arrondissement for the first time.…

  • Poster 'Au Borinage' - Karin Borghouts


    Vincent was here

    LM Magazine 6/2024 (français)Kunstletters (Dutch) 6/2020 (Dutch) Shoot 3/2020 (Dutch) Interview met de werffotograaf - KMSKA (Dutch) Het Brabants Nieuwsblad/De…

  • ZAAL Z, dec 2019 - feb 2020

    The renovation of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

    Citta (Magazine Gazet van Antwerpen) January 15, 2022 - by Frank Heirman ZAAL Z, December 2019 - February 2020, Royal…