Selection of articles in newspapers and art magazines from 2003 to the present.
Lees hier een recensie over het boek KU LEUVEN EEN UNIVERSITEIT IN BEELD - IMAGES OF A UNIVERSITY door Patrick…
Artikel door Patrick Auwelaert in The Art Coach online - 3 juli 2024 LM Magazine Art&Culture Hauts-de-France / Belgique, juin…
Some articles in newpapers and magazines about the exhibition and publication ‘The house’. A new photography book THE HOUSE is…
The photobook PARIS IMPASSE book depicts about 200 cul-de-sacs from the 1st to the 20th arrondissement for the first time.…
LM Magazine 6/2024 (français)Kunstletters (Dutch) 6/2020 (Dutch) Shoot 3/2020 (Dutch) Interview met de werffotograaf - KMSKA (Dutch) Het Brabants Nieuwsblad/De…
Citta (Magazine Gazet van Antwerpen) January 15, 2022 - by Frank Heirman ZAAL Z, December 2019 - February 2020, Royal…
Commissioned photographs for architects, published in architecture magazines, yearbooks, newspapers, on websites and other.De Article HappelCornelisseVerhoeven Architecten, Fierensblokken Download…
A selection of the articles in newspapers, art- and photographymagazines since 2003.
Download texts in English and Dutch about the work of Karin Borghouts.
Read or view online some texts and video's in English and Dutch about the work of Karin Borghouts.België scherpgesteld, Canvas…