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Media architecture

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  • Commissioned photographs for architects, published in architecture magazines, yearbooks, newspapers, on websites and other.

    De Article HappelCornelisseVerhoeven Architecten, Fierensblokken
    Download pdf below

    Exé (A Vivre edition), 2021, Couvent des Prédicants (Het Predikheren)
    Korteknie Stuhlmacher+Callebaut+Bouwtechniek

    A+U Architecture and Urbanism Magazine 2020 Tokyo - HappelCornelisseVerhoeven Architecten, Museum De Lakenhal

    De 2019 Several articles for HappelCornelisseVerhoeven Architecten, Museum De Lakenhal

    VAI, Vlaams ArchitectuurInstituut. Two photo-essays of Karin Borghouts are published in the book Architectural Review Flanders 2012 - Architectuurboek Vlaanderen 2012.

    Photos for HappelCornelisseVerhoevenArchitecten are published in the Yearbook Architecture in the Netherlands 2012-2022.

    De Tijd 2020 Architectuur en telefonie


    De Architect4 2023

  • Poster 'Au Borinage' - Karin Borghouts


    Au Borinage

    Artikel door Patrick Auwelaert in The Art Coach online - 3 juli 2024 LM Magazine Art&Culture Hauts-de-France / Belgique, juin…

  • De Morgen by Eric Min, October 22, 2014


    Articles the House - Het huis

    Some articles in newpapers and magazines about the exhibition and publication ‘The house’. A new photography book THE HOUSE is…

  • Passage Hennel, series Paris Impasse  © Karin Borghouts


    Paris Impasse

    The photobook PARIS IMPASSE book depicts about 200 cul-de-sacs from the 1st to the 20th arrondissement for the first time.…

  • Poster 'Au Borinage' - Karin Borghouts


    Vincent was here

    LM Magazine 6/2024 (français)Kunstletters (Dutch) 6/2020 (Dutch) Shoot 3/2020 (Dutch) Interview met de werffotograaf - KMSKA (Dutch) Het Brabants Nieuwsblad/De…