This photographic project started in the spring of 2020, the year of the corona. For this photographic project Karin Borghouts began by asking people in her street if she could photograph a space in their home without them being there. It had to be a room or space where they were doing something. Something that they were completely occupied with, something that they were absorbed in. It could be a hobby, a collection, their craft. What a surprising journey that was each time! These different universes, workplaces that often reflect a whole life. Collecting all kinds of things as an involuntary and inescapable expression of seeing a value, a soul, in everything. The Flemish equivalent of the Japanese Wabi-Sabi and Mottainai. The urge to revive things. The pictures invite you to look at them slowly. Take your time to see all the details. A photography book with about 60 photos is planned.