Dear Reader

More than 100,000 people have already visited the newly opened Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp. Don't forget to visit the exhibition The Making Of there, featuring no less than 26 large photographs by Karin Borghouts.
November is book time with KMSKA The Finest Museum, A Painter's House and the Architecture Book Flanders.

KMSKA 'Madonna', Jean Fouquet, ©Karin Borghouts

Opening KMSKA

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) was officially opened on 24 September. Its stunning architecture, fantastic collection and many surprises make this museum an experience not to be missed. Karin Borghouts followed the renovation and new construction from 2011 until the reopening. 26 large photographs by her can be seen in the exhibition The Making Of, curated by KMSKA in collaboration with KAAN Architects.

Book your visit to KMSKA: Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

'The Making Of', Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen

New books KMSKA

KMSKA - THE FINEST MUSEUM contains some 150 photographs by Karin Borghouts. The collection book KMSKA - THE FINEST HUNDRED also contains a number of photos of the renovation and the halls.

A special edition
(signed book + signed and numbered print) is available on just 36 copies (22 x 17 cm, 12 ex per photo, 230 euros).

Order your book at Hannibal Books (ENG, FR, NL)

Books, special editions, postcards, prints and much more are on sale in the KMSKA SHOP. This can be visited without a ticket at the KMSKA or online.

Book KMSKA (NL, FR, ENG) and special edition

Photography book: A Painter's House

The new photo book A Painter's House portrays the home of painter Marten Melsen (1870-1947). This Brussels-born artist decided to live among the farmers in Stabroek around 1900. After his death, his wife and later his unmarried daughters kept the house as it was. Their father's studio remained untouched. This makes this one of the rare remaining original artists' homes in Belgium. The interiors, as some still know them from their (great) grandparents, inspired Karin Borghouts to take a series of atmospheric and detailed photographs.
This book forms the second one in a new series about personal interiors, after The House which appeared in 2021. A Painter's House is a personal initiative of Karin Borghouts in cooperation with the Marten Melsen Foundation with the aim of preserving the house for the future as well.
View and order your signed book or special edition here

Studio Marten Melsen © Karin Borghouts

Flanders Architectural Review N°15

Architecture today faces social upheavals that are increasingly difficult to ignore. The demand for housing, changing visions on education, the collective past, open space and new care needs are all themes that are growing more urgent by the day. The hesitant response to these issues puts the (international) success of architecture from Flanders and Brussels into perspective. Flanders Architectural Review N°15: Alliances with the Real, brings together a rich selection of much-discussed recent projects that offer a surprising response to these challenges. Ten essays and two photo series critically reflect upon and hold up a mirror to the architectural field. Alliances with the Real calls for social engagement and social entrepreneurship from all who contribute to the (un)built environment. Some photos of Karin Borghouts have also been published in this book.
Order the Flanders Architectural Review here.

View these architectural projects photographed by Karin Borghouts here:

Bijloke - DRDH Architects

Campus Cadix - Korteknie-Stuhlmacher Architecten

Coda - noA Architecten

De Bijloke ©Karin Borghouts/DRDHarchitects

ZICHT is a newsletter of Belgian artist photographer Karin Borghouts. She is working on het own projects and on commissioned assignments by museums, art and heritage institutions, architects, publishers and city councils.

Karin Borghouts, Bareelstraat 32, 2920 Kalmthout, België — +32 (0) 486 36 45 38 — VAT BE 0844 103 304 — We respect your privacy and do not share or sell our mailinglist. We do not track you or record information about you. We do enjoy keeping you informed of our exhibitions and our artist's news via email; however, if you do not want to receive these emails anymore, you can unsubscribe here. — Read this email in your browser.