Dear Reader

The final days of the photography exhibition Vincent was here are coming. Every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Terra Nova, Citadel of Namur, Belgium.
Karin Borghouts will be present on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, 5 and 6 March. You are most welcome.

Romans parisiens (after Vincent van Gogh) © Karin Borghouts, 2018, 97 x 132 cm

Van Gogh inspires

"Vincent was here is a visual quest exploring the boundaries between photography and painting, two media which are closely related. Karin Borghouts has imitated the original paintings with real objects and then photographed them so accurately that her pictures look like real paintings. She has used the same compositions and colour schemes as Van Gogh. She says that although this restricted her creativity, it allowed her to concentrate on the light effects with greater artistic freedom." Laurent de Hemptinne, COLLECT


Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium - 2021-2022

Vincent was here

Photography Karin Borghouts

Until March 6, 2022
Citadel van Namen (Terra Nova)
Route Merveilleuse 64 - Namur (Belgium)
Your Belgian Museum Pass is valid.

By car:
via the road behind the Grand Casino up the citadel. Take the entrance Terra Nova a bit after the perfumery Delforge. There is a spacious free parking.
By cable car
(téléférique): after getting off the cable car, turn left at the top, walk 100 m through the gate and through a short tunnel on a 3-minute path down to Terra Nova.

Open every day
during the spring holidays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Karin Borghouts will be happy to welcome you in the afternoon on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 March.

All photos in the exhibition Vincent was here are for sale in a limited edition. The photography book Vincent was here - edited by Ronny Van de Velde - can be purchased on-site or ordered online.

Photography Book Vincent was here (FR, NL, ENG), Karin Borghouts, edited by Ronny Van de Velde

More suggestions for your visit to Namur

At Musée Félicien Rops in Namur an exhibition Dans les yeux de Van Goghis on view with paintings and drawings by Belgian contemporaries of Vincent van Gogh.

A double ticket Citadel + Musée Félicien Rops offers a discount to fly from one exposition to the other with the new cable car.

Another nice combination can be made with the art exhibition Perspectives minimales en Belgique, abstract geometric art from 1920 until now, curated by Ronny Van de Velde. Karin Borghouts photographed this exhibition for the catalogue. Until 17 April in Le Delta, the new cultural centre of Namur.

Exhibitionview 'Perspectives minimales en Belgique' - Le Delta Namur (Philippe van Snick, Didier Vermeiren, Marthe Wéry)

Because of Vincent

The exhibition Because of Vincent is showing highlights from the museum's collection as well as artworks produced by the artist-in-residence programme of the Van GoghHouse in Zundert (NL).

Because of Vincent (Vanwege Vincent)
Van Gogh's birthplace as inspiration
Prolonged until July 3, 2022

Stedelijk Museum Breda
Boschstraat 22
NL 4811GH Breda
The Netherlands

Catalogue Vanwege Vincent available (Dutch).
The book Vincent was here is for sale at the shop.

Stedelijk Museum Breda NL

Magical Black

In Gallery De Mijlpaal in Heusden-Zolder Belgium, a new group exhibition starts on Sunday 20 March. Karin Borghouts will exhibit some of her photos from the series THE HOUSE. The new book - published in 2021 - is for sale here or online.

Gallery De Mijlpaal
Brugstraat 45
Heusden-Zolder Belgium

From 20 March, open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 2 - 6 pm.

Photography book THE HOUSE 2021 (NL, FR, ENG)

Auction at De Vuyst

On Saturday 12th March an art auction of contemporary, modern and old masters will be organized at De Vuyst in Lokeren, Belgium.

Exhibition of the artworks from Wednesday 2 till Wednesday 9 March, daily from 10-19, continuously.

The photo Saints by Karin Borghouts will be auctioned. This photo was made with her analogue large format camera, printed with pigment inks on Baryta photo paper, framed behind glass with oak frame.

'Saints', on the exhibition 'Celibataire Divas', Hasselt, 2017 ©Karin Borghouts, 105 x 125 cm

Coming up...

On 4 June 2022, the solo exhibition Paris Impasse will open at Le Musée de la Photographie in Charleroi. To look forward to! The photography book Paris Impasse - in a design by Jean-Michel Meyers - was nominated at Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles, and afterwards published by Snoeck.

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp
will open on 25 September 2022. The moving of the artworks will begin Mid-March. Karin Borghouts is the house photographer of the KMSKA.

Next time more architecture.

Paris Impasse - Villa Letellier, 15 arr. Paris, © Karin Borghouts

ZICHT is a newsletter of Belgian artist photographer Karin Borghouts. She is working on het own projects and on commissioned assignments by museums, art and heritage institutions, architects, publishers and city councils.

Karin Borghouts, Bareelstraat 32, 2920 Kalmthout, België — +32 (0) 486 36 45 38 — VAT BE 0844 103 304 — We respect your privacy and do not share or sell our mailinglist. We do not track you or record information about you. We do enjoy keeping you informed of our exhibitions and our artist's news via email; however, if you do not want to receive these emails anymore, you can unsubscribe here. — Read this email in your browser.