Dear Reader

You will find below the new video AU BORINAGE by Karin Borghouts and Dieter Demey. You can visit the new exhibition spread across the two Van Gogh houses in the Borinage until 13 October 2024.

Salvatore - Chapelle du Calvaire Wasmes ©Karin Borghouts 2024

Au Borinage

The Borinage, south-west of Mons in Belgian Hainaut, is a region with a moving mining history. This is clearly visible in the landscape in the form of the many terrils (slagheaps). Karin was attracted by the miners' houses in the hilly streets, the mine ruins and the now overgrown terrils, but she also wanted to get in touch with the inhabitants. So she decided to photograph people in special places. Sons and daughters of miners, artists and writers, café owners, preachers, owners of old mining sites, and a rare self-portrait. The photographs are staged to highlight the Borains.

The exhibition of 30 large photographs is spread over the two Van Gogh houses: La Maison Van Gogh in Petit-Wasmes and La Maison Van Gogh in Cuesmes where large photographs are exhibited in the garden as well. There is also a large photograph on display at the wall of the ruins of the Marcasse mine, where Van Gogh descended in 1879. Vincent van Gogh stayed in the Belgian Borinage from 1878 to 1880, first as an assistant preacher to the miners. Later he decided to become an artist.

With the support of cc Colfontaine, Fondation Mons 2025 and Visit Mons. Prints produced by Milo-Profi photolabo.


Assistant Dieter Demey took drone shots over the Borinage's old mining sites and edited a new video. Each photo has a story in the exhibition. The video gives you a nice introduction.

Click on this link or the picture below (10:42)
Thanks to all contributors and the support of Fondation Mons 2025.

AU BORINAGE (10:43) - Dieter Demey - Karin Borghouts

AU BORINAGE - exhbition photography Karin Borghouts

Meet & greet: You can meet Karin Borghouts on Sunday 25 August (11-13 h at Cuesmes er 14-16 h at Petit-Wasmes), Sunday 29 September and at the finissage Saturday 12 October.

From 22 June to 13 October 2024

Maison Van Gogh Cuesmes
3, Rue du Pavillon
7033 Cuesmes (Mons) BE
tue > sun : 10 am - 15:45 pm

Maison Van Gogh Petit-Wasmes
221, Rue Wilson
7340 Petit-Wasmes (Colfontaine) BE
Tue > Sun : 10 am - 4 pm only after reservation on 0492 76 03 03

Tip: The best way to discover the region is on foot or by bike. Good condition required. There are beautiful views from a slag heap. Van Gogh walks and cycling routes as well as group visits are possible.
If you want to combine your visit with Mons (near Cuesmes) or visit Mac's Grand Hornu (near Petit-Wasmes), it is best to visit the Van Gogh houses first, as they close early. Petit-Wasmes is also unstaffed, so make an appointment.

Info Visit Mons
Info Karin Borghouts

Charbonnage de Marcasse - Petit-Wasmes - (Photo KB)

Book Vincent Was here

The series Vincent Was Here preceded Au Borinage. For this, Karin visited all the places where Van Gogh worked and lived.
Vincent Was Here - Karin Borghouts, edited by Ronny Van de Velde with texts by Xavier Canonne and Ron Dirven (NL, FR and ENG).

The photography book (2019) is on sale in both Van Gogh houses of the Borinage (35 euros).
Online books and special editions:

'Vincent Was Here' Karin Borghouts

ZICHT is a newsletter of Belgian artist photographer Karin Borghouts. She is working on het own projects and on commissioned assignments by museums, art and heritage institutions, architects, publishers and city councils.

Karin Borghouts, Bareelstraat 32, 2920 Kalmthout, België — +32 (0) 486 36 45 38 — VAT BE 0844 103 304 — We respect your privacy and do not share or sell our mailinglist. We do not track you or record information about you. We do enjoy keeping you informed of our exhibitions and our artist's news via email; however, if you do not want to receive these emails anymore, you can unsubscribe here. — Read this email in your browser.