Dear reader

The Borinage is a special place in Belgian Hainaut and Karin Borghouts is an artist in residence there. In 2025, KU Leuven will celebrate its 600th anniversary and has given a major commission to depict the university's buildings and collections. As every year, the Royal Greenhouses in Laeken will open their doors for three weeks.

Terril de Marcasse, Borinage, November 2023, © Karin Borghouts

Au Borinage

The Borinage was one of the most inspiring areas Karin Borghouts visited as part of her project Vincent Was Here. So much so that she decided to devote an entire photographic project to it, following a request made by cultural centre Colfontaine.

The Borinage, south-west of Mons, is a region with a rich mining history. This is still evident in the landscape in the form of the many slagheaps or terrils. Karin was attracted by the houses in the hilly streets, the mining ruins, the now green terrils, but especially by the people. This led her to also photograph people from the Borinage in special places with which they have a connection. Karin is artist in residence at the Van Gogh House in Petit-Wasmes from September 2023.
This summer there will be an exhibition in both Van Gogh houses in the Borinage: one in Petit-Wasmes and the other in Cuesmes. More on this later.

With thanks to cc Colfontaine, the collaborating Borains, Ville de Mons and the assistants.

La Maison Van Gogh, Petit-Wasmes, 2018 © Karin Borghouts

KU Leuven 600 years

Preparations for the University of Leuven's unique anniversary are in full swing behind the scenes. In 2025, Belgium's oldest university will look back on a rich past with a series of publications, exhibitions, lectures, conferences and other cultural events.

Karin Borghouts was asked to photograph some of the university's many iconic buildings. Also special interiors, auditoriums, laboratories and various university collections scattered across the various campuses. The assignment began in April 2023. The photographs will be published and exhibited in 2025.

KU Leuven. On the roof of the Leo XIII residence. ©Karin Borghouts, April 2023

Royal Greenhouses at Laeken open to the public

The Royal Greenhouses and Gardens of Laeken in Belgium will be open to the public from 14 April to 7 May 2022. This is definitely one of the most beautiful places that Karin Borghouts has been able to photograph since 2010. The book The Royal Greenhouses of Laeken was published by BAI in 2019 in four languages. There is also a booklet about the special plants and trees, published in 2022.

Booking from 11 April

Royal Greenhouses Laeken © Karin Borghouts/BAI

Meet Karin

Watch the the video made by Dieter Demey (9 minutes).
Choose English or Dutch subtitles.

Listen to Kaat Celis' interview with Karin Borghouts via (50 minutes, Dutch).

Books and special editions:

Karin Borghouts

ZICHT is a newsletter of Belgian artist photographer Karin Borghouts. She is working on het own projects and on commissioned assignments by museums, art and heritage institutions, architects, publishers and city councils.

Karin Borghouts, Bareelstraat 32, 2920 Kalmthout, België — +32 (0) 486 36 45 38 — VAT BE 0844 103 304 — We respect your privacy and do not share or sell our mailinglist. We do not track you or record information about you. We do enjoy keeping you informed of our exhibitions and our artist's news via email; however, if you do not want to receive these emails anymore, you can unsubscribe here. — Read this email in your browser.